A letter of support from Mrs. Lovely H. Billups

Mrs Lovely Billups has been a proud Tuckahoe resident since 1936


Dear neighbor,

Five years ago, I served as Chair at the ECAP Advisory Board. This was a most rewarding citizen-based experience. Our long-term goals were to obtain full rights and privileges for every citizen in Tuckahoe, and to advocate for those who need help.

We discovered that 95% of teenagers in the “target area” surrounding the ECAP building had never experienced a train ride to Grand Central Station … nor ventured out from there to experience the wonders of New York City (the greatest city in the world!). The ECAP Board got to work, launching plans for a Tuckahoe teen train trip to New York City. That was when newly elected Tuckahoe Village Board Trustee Omayra Andino jumped into action! Using her connections with not-for-profit organizations, she secured 15 tickets to the Broadway hit The Lion King. We were surprised, impressed, and inspired. Although the trip did not materialize due to other complications, Omayra Andino’s caring, expertise, and generosity, made an indelible impression on us. Personally, Omayra and I have become close and trusting friends.

I admire Omayra’s ability to get things done. She is a hard-working, dignified and focused leader.

Now, five years later, Trustee Andino is Mayor Andino. She is running for a second term in office and I am delighted! Nothing has changed since we met. Her leadership qualities are still quite evident. While out and about in Tuckahoe on a daily basis, I hear so many compliments about the good life and look of our Village. It makes me so proud to have lived here, and to have raised my children and grandchildren here. And I know that my hometown is still in good and capable hands.

Next, I would be remiss if I did not extend kudos to Trustee Darryl Taylor, son of the iconic Alma Lee and Mickey Taylor, longtime Tuckahoe homeowners, workers, and activists. Darryl’s quiet smile camouflages the intense character of a fighter for the good and benefit for every citizen in our beloved village. He is a husband, father, and a man of faith - perfect for our Village Board.

Last but not least, is what I know and admire about Josh Gaccione. He has a big smile and an equally big heart. Josh presents his service as a soldier in the United States Army by continuing active alliance with the American Legion and VFW. His service as a soldier is neither overstated nor braggadocious - just real and regal. For me (the teacher), his current position as educator at the college level who is focused on student support services is the icing on the cake. Go Josh! Tuckahoe is privileged to have you represent us as a Village trustee.

To sum it up, this is a heartfelt message from me to my fellow Tuckahoans. I am in total support and admiration of Omayra Andino, Darryl Taylor, and Josh Gaccione as candidates for Mayor and Village Trustee. I believe they are qualified and diligent, and will continue to get things done.



Lovely H. Billups

Village resident since 1936

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